- AARST (American Association of Radon Scientist and Technologists) Membership
- NEHA (National Environmental Health Association) Membership
- NRPP (National Radon Proficiency Program) Membership
- Licensed to perform Radon Measurements
- NACHI (National Association of Certified Home Inspectors) Membership
- Certified Parr Inspector to perform FEMA Housing Inspection Services in Disaster Areas Nationwide
- Licensed to perform Termite Inspections
- Affiliate memberships with the Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, New Jersey and Dayton Board of Realtors.
- Inspected/Appraised/Reviewed over 24,000 residential/commercial properties.
- Qualified instructors have given related courses in Home Inspection/Real Property Valuation and presented seminars related to real estate in over 45 U.S. states, Canada, and Mexico.
- Provided assistance with finding and securing financing for hotel development and construction.
- Managed and completed construction for hotels as turn-key projects.
- Consulted investors through processes of site and franchise evaluation for hotel development.
- Past President of an International Real Property Association with a combined membership of 7,000+ Designate members.
- Past Officer and Trustee of the Appraisal Foundation, Washington D.C., comprising 52 International advisors and 50 state board directors.
- Directed construction and marketing of 1,000+ residential, commercial and light office properties.
- Professional Real Property Certifications Achieved: G.R.I. C.R.B. M.R.E.C. M.S.A. CA-S. CA-C.
- President/Commercial Division and General Manager of a 6 office, city wide Real Estate Company.
- Instructor for appointed Chinese delegations at Carl Lindner Hall, University of Cincinnati, teaching Advanced Land Valuation Techniques.
- Co-Developer of International Guidelines for Standardized Square Footage Measurements for the American National Standards Institute-ANSI.